UKC 2024 Distinguished Sponsor Forum

KHIDI Forum on the strategies on Korea-USA R&D collaboration in biomedical field

Time: Thursday, August 22 2024, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Location: Sandpebble E 

Jayoung Kim 


Scientist, ThermoFisher Scientific

Soondo Cha

KHIDI, President

Youngjin Kim


Korea US Collaboration
Research Fund

Hyungjin Shin


Mogam Institute for Biomedical Research

Youngil Koh


Seoul National University Hospital

Donghoon Yoon


University of Arkansas

Tae-Hyung Kim


University of New Mexico

Forum Summary

This is an annual forum supported by Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI). A major goal of this forum is to bring together academics, research institutes, and healthcare leaders in Korea and USA to highlight R&D efforts in joint research or research collaboration in biomedical field. Particularly, Korea-USA joint research programs newly launched will be introduced and discussed including problems that researchers can face for the differentiation between Korea and USA policies relating R&D funding. Most importantly, this forum will discuss future directions and strategies for researchers of both countries to collaborate in biomedical R&D.

Forum Schedule

Thursday, August 22 2024

