UKC 2024 Sponsor Forum
POSTECH  Sponsor Forum
Aug 23rd Friday, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Location: Regency B-C Room, Hyatt Regency SF Airport

Forum Title: POSTECH Sponsor Forum

Sub-title: POSTECH, Open to the World, Inside and out


Dr. Seong Keun Kim

Prof. Sung-Min Park
Vice President of External Affairs 

Prof. Jong Bong Lee
Vice President of Academic Affairs 

Prof. Deok-Ho Kim
Johns Hopkins University
Biomedical Engineering and Medicine 

Forum Summary

POSTECH, a leading institution in science and engineering, known for its academic excellence and research prowess, has consistently pioneered new paths in research and education over the years. Now in its 38th year since founding and building upon past successes, POSTECH casts an ambitious strategic vision to transform itself into a true world-class institution that can leave a resounding impact for generations to come.


The session first will highlight POSTECH’s initiatives to enhance all areas of the institution across the board under the strategic vision of POSTECH 2.0. The school’s recruitment efforts and investment to attract world’s top researchers and talent will also be discussed. Please join us for this open forum for a thoughtful conversation.

Forum Schedule