UKC 2024 Distinguished Sponsor Forum
Korea Institute of Industrial Technology
Aug 22nd Thursday, 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM
Location: Regency Ballroom C
Forum Title: Korea-US Manufacturing AI Technology Innovation Forum
Martin Jun
Purdue University
Martin Jun
Forum Summary
Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH) is national laboratory of South Korea, established in 1989 to help develop technologies for the domestic industry, with focus on export competitiveness and SMEs. This forum aims to shed light on recent development for AI in manufacturing. The keynote speech by Dr. Sang Mok Lee will be on overall vision of KITECH to address the autonomous manufacturing needs in Korea. Dr. Clark Dressen will discuss the current trends of AI in manufacturing. Others speakers from KITECH, Amazon, and Dessault Systems will discuss the use of AI for different manufacturing applications.
Forum Schedule