Kyung Hee Forum

UKC 2024 Distinguished Sponsor Forum 

Kyung Hee Forum

Time: Thursday, August 22 2024, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Location: Harbour Room B

Expanding US-Korea Collaboration in Space Exploration

Choong Seon Hong
Kyung Hee University

Eun-Suk Seo
President of KASSTA
Professor of Physics
University of Maryland


Sungsoo S. Kim


Kyung Hee University

Yong-Jae Moon


Kyung Hee University

Ian Garrick-Bethell


University of California, Santa Cruz

George Parks


University of California, Berkeley

Forum Summary

Kyung Hee University is a private university located in Seoul and Yongin, South Korea. Since its foundation in 1949, it has grown to become the university with the largest number of students and departments in Korea. Kyung Hee ranks among the top 5 private universities in the nation and upholds the motto “Creating a Civilized World”. Kyung Hee recently identified Space Science, Bio-Health, Quantum Technology, , Material Science, AI and transformative civilization as its “6 strategic fields”, and has started actively recruiting top-tier scholars in these fields around the world. In this forum, we introduce Kyung Hee University and its recruiting plans for full-time and adjunct professor positions, and present Kyung Hee’s efforts to expand US-Korea collaboration in space exploration, one of Kyung Hee’s strategic fields.

Forum Schedule

Friday, August 23 2024