Joint Science Policy and Diplomacy Forum

UKC 2024 KSEA Forum
KSEA Joint Science Policy and Diplomacy Forum
Aug 23rd Friday, 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM
Location: Cypress Room B , Hyatt Regency SFO 

Jaehoon Yu
University of Texas, Arlington

Seunghwan Kim

Jinhyung Lee
Stanford University

Forum Summary

Science Policy and Science Diplomacy are intimately intertwined.   This year, the joint forum of Science Policy and Science Diplomacy will invite the directors of the fundamental sciences in the funding agencies of the U.S. Department of Energy and the Korean Ministry of Science and IT together with prominent scientists from each country to serve on the panel.  The two directors will discuss the fundamental approach and the procedure for establishing the science policy of the two countries and promote the cooperation between the two agencies to seek pathways to establish a tangible way to encourage basic sciences cooperation. The science policies must be established to ensure the U.S. and Korea to be a close partner to lead the science diplomacy for the entire humanity.

Hosting Presidents:  Dr. Tae-sik Lee(KOFST), Dr. Tom Oh(KSEA) 

Panel Members: Office of High Energy Physics, U.S. Department of Energy: Dr. G. Rameika (Director of US DOE Office of High Energy Physics)

MSIT: TBD, Ministry of Science and IT, Republic of Korea

US Scientist Expert: Professor YoungKee Kim (U. of Chicago; APS President)

SK Scientist Expert: Professor Un-Ki Yang (Director, Institute for Nucl. & Astro-particle physics, SNU)

Forum Schedule

Aug 23rd Friday