Yuhan Corporation

UKC 2024 Distinguished Sponsor Forum
Yuhan Corporation
Aug 22nd Thursday, 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM
Location: Sandpebble C 

Forum Title: New modalities and tools for innovative oncology drug development

Jae Beom Kim
Director Alliance Management Gilead Sciences

Hungoo Lee
Assistant Professor Johns Hopkins School of Medicine(Starting this fall)


Taewon Yoon
Yuhan USA Corporation 

 Kunwoo Lee

Whijae Roh

Jaehak Oh

Forum Summary

Yuhan Corporation is a South Korea-based pharmaceutical company founded in 1926 by Dr. Il-han New, an independence activist, educator, and innovative entrepreneur. Yuhan has achieved five out-licensing deals during the past five years, resulting in a total deal size of $3.54 billion. This forum aims to discuss new modalities and tools for innovative oncology drug development. Dr. Kunwoo Lee will talk about mRNA revolution beyond Covid-19 vaccine. Dr. Whijae Roh will present forward and reverse translation between preclinical models and patient samples for iterative drug development process. Dr. Jaehak Oh will discuss the current and future of immune-oncology. By bringing together researchers and experts in the field, this forum seeks to accelerate active discussions and collaborations with esteemed academic researchers.

Forum Schedule

Aug 22nd Thursday

Yuhan Corporation