CBS (Changbal-BayK-SoCal)
Special Forum

UKC 2024 KSEA Forum
CBS (Changbal-BayK-SoCal) Special Forum
Aug 23rd Friday, 01:30 PM - 04:30 PM
Location: Regency C, Hyatt Regency SFO 

Jihwan Lee
Google Research, Software Engineer
President Changbal

Eunbi Cho
E-commerce Associate Weverse America Inc.

Co-President SoCal K Group

David Lee
Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer
Ceeya Inc/Product & Design Co-President
Bay Area K Group (BAKG)


Jinseop Sim


Co-President Bay Area K-Group 

Forum Summary

Three presidents from three different tech organizations will engage in discourse regarding the importance of managing communities and networking. how communities’ function in various fields, the challenges of running them, and points to consider.

Forum Schedule

Aug 23rd Friday