Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-Koo Foundation Green Society Forum

UKC 2024 Sponsor Forum
Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-Koo Foundation Green Society Sponsor Forum
Aug 23rd Friday, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Location: Grand Peninsula A

Forum Title: Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-Koo Foundation Green Society Forum

Sub-title Lab to Society: Turning Climate-Tech Research into Real-world Impact

Prof. Jin Taek Jung

20th President, Korea University

Hyundai Motor CMK Foundation Green Society Steering Committee

Hyunjin Cho

Business Team Leader,
Hyundai Motor CMK Foundation

Presenters (Green Society) 

Moses Sung


Dr. Sungjong Yoo

EcoHydro Team

(Korea Institute of Science Technology)

Dr. Chulho Park

(Korea Institute of Energy Research)

Jiseong Kang

Korea Grid Forming

Dr. Dawoon Jung

(Korea Institute of Industrial)

Dr. Heon Jung

(Korea Institute of Energy Research)

Prof. Wookyun Lee

Korea University

Jaehong Park


Code of Nature

Prof. Dongsoo Hwang




Forum Summary

As the climate crisis intensifies, investors are increasingly interested in research-based climate-tech startups, with South Korea offering ripe opportunities. The importance of climate technology for mitigating and adapting to environmental changes is rapidly growing. This session will emphasize the need for ongoing research and development, along with the adoption of climate innovations.

Nine entrepreneurial researchers will share their journeys in commercializing climate tech and introduce their startups. We will also discuss the Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-Koo Foundation's vision to support the climate tech startup ecosystem, highlighting future networks, investment opportunities, and strategic partnerships to help researchers turn their work into real-world impact.

Forum Schedule

Aug 23rd  Friday

Green Society

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현대차 정몽구 재단

[UKC2024] Program Book_Green Society Forum_0801.pdf