
Sponsor Welcome Dinner
(8/21/2024 WED)

String Trio
Dongsoo Cha, Bobae Lee, Minji Kim

Dongsoo Cha

Dongsoo Cha, an accomplished violinist based in Campbell, California, has distinguished himself through rigorous training, prestigious awards, and diverse musical experiences. He earned his Master of Music from Yale University under the guidance of Syoko Aki, and his Bachelor of Music from the University of Southern California, where he studied with Glenn Dicterow, the esteemed former Concertmaster of the New York Philharmonic. Dongsoo’s musical journey has been profoundly influenced by his global studies in South Korea and Austria, where he gained a nuanced understanding of various musical traditions and techniques. His artistic development has been further enriched by mentorship from distinguished violinists such as Daniel Ching, Boris Kuschnir, Zhao Wei, and Brian Lewis. Dongsoo’s dedication to his craft is evident in his impressive competition record, including prizes at the Austin Symphony Concerto Competition, the Texas Association of Symphony Orchestras Juanita Miller Concerto Competition, and the Yale Chamber Music Competition. His performance credits include appearances with the Austin Civic and Austin Symphony Orchestras. In addition to his formal education and competition accolades, Dongsoo has actively participated in renowned music festivals. He has honed his skills and expanded his musical horizons at the Green Mountain Chamber Music Festival, Luzerne Music Center, and the PyeongChang Music Festival and School. These experiences have not only enhanced his technical prowess but also deepened his interpretative skills. 

Bobae Lee, born in Seoul, South Korea, is a world-class cellist whose passion for music began at the tender age of eight. She has a strong educational background with a Bachelor of Music from Seoul National University, a Master of Music from Yale University, and an Artist Diploma from the University of Texas at Austin. She has been fortunate to study with esteemed cellists such as Paul Watkins, Ole Akahoshi, Chungsim Baek, Aldo Parisot, and Bion Tsang. Bobae's dedication and hard work led to international recognition in 2020 when she received the Grand Prize at the prestigious Fischoff International Chamber Competition. She has also been honored with prizes at the Wigmore Hall International String Quartet Competition, the Chamber Music in Yellow Springs Competition, the ARD International Music Competition, and the Yale Chamber Music Competition. She has had the opportunity to perform in some of the most respected concert halls across Asia, Europe, and North America. These performances have allowed her to share her love for music with diverse audiences, earning appreciation and respect in the classical music community. Beyond her performing career, Bobae is deeply committed to music education and outreach. She actively mentors young musicians, sharing her knowledge and encouraging their growth. Through lessons and community programs, Bobae strives to nurture a love for classical music and support aspiring musicians in reaching their full potential. 

Bobae Lee

Minji Kim

Minji Kim is a violist based in the San Francisco Bay area actively involved in orchestral and chamber music. Minji completed her Bachelor's degree at the Juilliard School under the guidance of Hsin-Yun Huang. She furthered her education at the Yale School of Music, where she earned her Master of Music degree studying with Ettore Causa. Recently Minji finished her studies at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music under the mentorship of Dimitri Murrath. Besides being an active performer, Minji has been a passionate advocate for arts outreach. As a student participating in Conservatory Connect program from San Francisco Conservatory of Music, Minji had community engagement concerts for Lingraphica and Lone Mountain Children’s Center. Minji has been active volunteer musician for several benefit concerts, hosted by organizations such as Silicon Valley Volunteer Orchestra, Gift of Music Foundation, Joy of Strings Chamber Ensemble and Nahnoom Piano Quartet. Minji has showcased her talent through a solo recital at Saint Mark's Episcopal Church in Palo Alto and as a rising artist at the Sun Raising Concert at Centre Culturel Coréen in Paris. In 2019, as a selected finalist of the Osaka International Music Competition, she received recognition for her exceptional abilities by winning the Special Audience’s Prize at the Winner’s Concert held by Paris Music Forum in Seoul, Korea. Minji has been selected to participate in various international music festivals, including the Bowdoin International Music Festival, Music Academy of the West, Heifetz International Music Institute, Mendocino Music Festival and Festival Napa Valley, where she collaborated with renowned musicians such as Grigory Kalinovsky, Bela Horvath, Colin Carr and Andrew Shulman. After her return to the SF Bay community, Minji has performed as part of the Sonnet Ensemble at the Covenant Presbyterian Church for their Covenant Concert Series Palo Alto, had joint concert with the Cantabile Ensemble. Recently Minji played in a string trio with Mellisa Whang and Eunjoo Shin of the Sonnet Ensemble at the commemorating concert for the 70th anniversary of US - ROK alliance which was supported by Korean American Cultural Foundation, Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in San Francisco and the Silicon Valley Korean American Federation where Minji has received Certificate of Award for her outstanding service. Minji also has passion in educating the next generation musicians.

Gala Dinner (8/22/2024 THU 7PM)

Jamon Maple


Korean Music Band G-Hwaja

Title : Sounds of Korean Soul


G-Hwaja performs creative music through a collaboration of Western and Korean traditional instruments, melding disparate tones and styles. The group seeks to express the emotions of the times in a dramatic way by utilizing the uniquely expressive characteristics of Korean traditional music - particularly its sense of excitement known as Hueng and the bittersweet sense of grief known as Han - to deliver familiar music with new emotional dimensions.

G-Hwaja strives to popularize Korean traditional music by delivering a dynamic and vivid image of Korean to the modern world. Since its creation, G-Hwaja had its first performance at the John F Kennedy Center in Washington D.C.

음악그룹 지화자(G-Hwaja)는 국악의 세계화를 목표로 한국의 전통악기를 바탕으로 대중에게 친근감 있는 음악을 창작하는 연주단이다. 지난 2월 워싱턴 D.C의 존F 케네디센터 에서 창단공연을 시작으로 로드아일랜드에서 한인사회 역사상 가장 큰 대규모의 광복절 행사 등을 성공시키며 세계로 나아가기 위한 야심찬 준비를 하고 있는 음악그룹이다.

다양한 음색의 전통악기를 통해 청중에게 익숙한 음악을 새로운 감성으로 전달하며, 새로운 국악 창작곡들도 발표함으로써 음악을 통해 역동적인 한국의 이미지를 홍보하고자 한다. 특히 지화자는 전통음악이 담고 있는 한과 흥의 정서적 특징을 살려 시대의 감성을 드라마틱하게 표현하는것이 특징이다.

Performers ; G-Hwaja team 

Junghee Oh (오정희)

You Shin Kim (김유신)

Grace Leekyung Kang (강리경)

Song Eun Shin (신송은)

Woosung Jung (정우성)

Opening Ceremony
(8/22/2024 THU 8:30AM)

Han Lee

Han Lee is versatile designer and new media artist. For many years, he worked for CJ, Samsung, Fi New York, Sigient, allm Interactive as a senior designer and creative director, and also, worked with LG, Hyundai, Scholastic, Time Warner Cable, Nintendo America, Google, Tencent. He has received international recognition for his designs and has won some of the most prestigious awards in the interactive design industry, such as the Webby Awards. Also, some of the works he created were featured in many books and media including the TASCHEN book. He has given his thoughts to the world by having many lectures, interviews, contributions, and as a jury. As a new media artist, he performed and exhibited his artwork in various locations across the world such as New York City, Seoul, Jeju Island, Gwangju, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Jerusalem, Haifa. His artwork used to include ‘Light’ and ‘Time’ with an immersive delightful experience that the audience can dive into his artwork emotionally. 

Jacob Kurihara

Jacob Kurihara is a New York based dance artist originally from Huntington Beach, California. Recently graduated with a BFA in Dance from Hofstra University, Jacob has performed with dance companies, such as the Forces of Nature Dance Theater and DanceKerr and Dancers, and musical artists, such as Giselle. He has performed works by Robin Becker, Jannis Brenner, Yoshito Sakuraba, and William Isaac. He is currently a company member of Carolyn Dorfman Dance and iKADA Dance Center